Monday, 27 April 2015

About Capsule Wardrobe

PS: This is a pic of my mom. Looking fabulous as always.

Have you heard about Project 333 , or the 10 item wardrobe or how to build a capsule wardrobe?

OK, basically the idea is to reduce the amount of clothes you have in your wardrobe. That will make it easier to decide what to wear in the morning and to wear the things your love.

I have been reading this kind of blogs for a while and decide that I will give it a try.

The 10 item wardrobe is my favourite.
I like that is so simple. With 10 items you know that you will look good each day as every item is a precious one.

The biggest problem I have about having a capsule wardrobe in Norway is that sometime you have 4 seasons in one day, specially in spring- summer, so I have created my own one that give me more freedom mixing the ideas from all of them.

Choosing 10 items each season: Winter (Jan-March), Spring ( April-June), Summer (July- September), Fall (Oct- December).

I like to choose 10 items  ( trouser, skirt, blouse, dresses) that they are the main things in my closet. The rest its in the extras.
Your 10 items are the clothes that you will wear for work, going out for lunch, shopping , school run.
T-shirts, shoes, bags, coats, jumpers, jewelry, pyjamas, sport wear, cosy clothes, scarfs etc are extras, but ideally you want to cut back in the amount you use. So best to choose a few of them from each category and pack the rest.

So right now I am going throw my wardrobe and deciding my 10 items. The are the ones I love and I feel good about wearing them. Some dresses, some trousers and some blouses.

Then I choose my T-Shirts, from the extras.
Them my jumpers, cardigans, jackets, and coats. Cutting down on the amount as much as you feel comfortable.

Then the shoes.

Then the bags.

Then the rest.

Everything else that i don´t want I give to charity. Everything else in good condition I pack and put away for next season.

I may have to switch an item mid season if it get too warm, and if 10 items is too little 11, 12 is ok too.

And voila! I have a capsule wardrobe, with all my favourite clothes that I will wear everyday.

Would you care to join me in this adventure? Please, please say yes. It will be so much fun!

In the next post I will show you my 10 pieces.

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