Wednesday, 18 March 2015

A day in my life

I work at different times every day so this is an example. This was my day yesterday.

07:00- Up. I wake the children, prepare breakfast and things for school. I drink coffee.
08:00- My oldest go to school.
When she leave I get ready and get my boy ready for kindergarten.
09:30- I walk my boy to kindergarten. It is a 20 walk in total down and up a step hill.
10:00- Breakfast for me. I make my self a smoothie.
10:30- 1:30pm- I run errands. Check my emails. Go to the supermarket.
01:30pm- I make lunch. Mushroom soup and toast with butter. Um, lovely. My husband have some time free too, so he can join me.
02:45pm- I drive to work. Today I am working at the studio house.
03:30- 10:30pm- I work. Today I am doing the news and a talk show. That means I put make up on and do the hair styling on the presenters and the guess for the show.
They all come at different times. In between, I watch TV, run to the studios for a make up touch up, eat dinner ( fish and salad from the cantina), talk to my coworkers, drink green tea and read.
10:30pm- Drive back.
11:00pm- I get home. I find my husband reading in the sofa and enjoying a beer and a little bowl of crips, so I prepare my self the same, sit next to him and we have a nice chat.
12:00am- Bed...Good night!

So how was your day?

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