About 3 years ago, I was at a dinner party when a friend of mine told me that she had stop buying staff for a year.
My initial reaction was shock!
Was it possible not to shop for that long? How could anyone have so much will power? What about checking the January sales?
I really thought I could never do that.
I blamed it on my line of work. After all, as a stylist I enjoy fashion and is part of my job to keep up with the trends and all that staff.
But I was curious.
So the morning after, and maybe was the hangover talking, I started to think about everything I buy and all the things I have and how wonderful it will be to simplify my life.
And then I decided that I was going to give it a try.
I was going to start small.
For 6 months I was going to stop buying clothes and things for my self and the house. The only things I could shop was food for me and my family. For the kids I was going to reduce it and buy something like a pair of shoes only if they have outgrow the old ones, and not just because they were on sale, or because they were so cute that I just had to have it.
I was not perfect, and 6 months is not long, but it changed so much the way I leave my life now.
It made me really think every time I wanted something and to question my self. Do I really needed it?Why do I want this? Do I have something similar? Would I love it in a five years time?
I then realise, that I had so much more that I needed and that I was ready to simplify my life. Since then I started to make little changes. And everyday I am a bit closer to my goal of having a simple but fabulous life.
Lately I have notice that there is more and more web pages and blogs that help you simplify and organise your home, and it made me think that maybe is the "IT" thing, and after all I can be cool and simple. Well... I will like to think that! I can dream, don't you think?
I don´t consider myself frugal, even if it has something about it that I like.
I don´t want to overspend, but I want quality in my life and I am willing to pay more for it. I want well made things that will last long.
With that goal in mind I have started to dream of the thing I want and save for it. Not just buy a cheaper version of it that I will have to throw away in a short time. And I want to feel special too when I use it. That is important. I want to love and enjoy the small little things around me every day.
So instead of more, I want less. But the very best for my budget.
I am getting ride of lot of staff and I have started to use all my best, and not leaving it for a special day. Today is special enough!
That made me realise, that I can be happy with a more simple life and learn to enjoy what I have.
What about you? Do you dream about a more simple life?
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